As well as taking prescribed Tamoxifen* daily (In November 2011 came out of the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium that it was beneficial to some patients to have Tamoxifen for another 5 years as research has showed this – ask you Oncologist) the only supplements I take are Glucosamine and Chondroitin due to the impact on my joints from exercising and my surgeon had prescribed Calcichew-D3 for secondary bone cancer to strengthen bones.

There have been many studies and articles about various things that can help and here’s just a few.

Vitamin C can help stop reoccurrences with cancer. There have also been reports that high doses – ie 1 gram or more – of prolonged Vitamin C have an increased risk with breast cancer (check with your Oncologist or BCN).

Recent article has been written on CoQ10 can help with energy and recent reports that it also helps taking in conjunction with tamoxifen it is beneficial (check with your Oncologist or BCN).

Drink green tea for it’s antioxidant benefits and nettle tea is claimed to stop hot flushes.

Avoid anything burnt or BBQ’d food as they act as a carcinogenic (this is a no no)

There are many reports on foods and their ‘anti cancer’ properties but I would say always talk to your Oncologist or clinical nurse specialist or breast cancer nurse about anything you are thinking about trying.  I’ve been to many secondary breast cancer conferences run by my own hospital and the first thing they say is that it’s such a different environment with a body than running a test in a petri dish or a mouse model.  Cancer Research provide a ‘myth busting blog’ and the NHS provide a ‘behind the headlines’ that you can find in my links section for you to search on any new ‘wonder’ cures.  You especially need to be careful if you are on treatment as it can interfere with the medications you are having.  Always check first with your Oncologist and/or check with your hospital pharmacy for contra indications.

Like anything in life though, everything should be in moderation and the 4 main points that help with reduction of recurrences (and health in general) are:-

  • Don’t smoke
  • Limit alcohol intake
  • Avoid bad fats
  • Exercise regularly

Another regular thing you should be doing is self checking and continue even if you have regular mammograms.   There is a useful and self explanatory guide by Breast Cancer Care here

*Note I have now changed to Letrozole but feel it necessary to mention the issues around Tamoxifen



I love a cup of tea (builders brew for me, no milky tea – blurgh!) but some can also help with your health so have a small list of teas below of the symptoms and what you should drink for it

Green tea restores balance and Oolong calms the mind – make sure it’s a good quality green tea

Guan Yin, a type of oolong, is soothing for sleep – Try Wu Yi Oolong Tea

Weight Loss
Pu erh tea is apparently big in Hollywood – helps prevent fat absorption

Problem Skin
The antioxidants in white tea fight free radicals created by stress and poor diet. Or try Dr Stuart’s Skin Purify

Water Retention
Green Tea naturally reduces swelling/ puffiness. I also use Clipper Dandelion Herbal Tea

The antioxidants in green tea boost metabolism and slow ageing.  Well Green Tea is apparently the strongest on the market.

Nettle Tea
I have taken this to help with menopausal hot flushes.


For a wide range of information resources look at my Diet and exercise links page here…